sábado, 5 de enero de 2013

PS VITA, un mundo de decepciones

Desde la SEGA SATURN no hemos visto peor consola (almenos en mi caso), super tiempo para cargar, juegos poco convincentes y malos, y mal repertorio grafico....
A estas alturas ya nos decimos "cualquier empresa ya con las experiencias que ha tenido no puede fallar tanto"...Pues tenga culon, si es posible...
putas y bolsones, les presento a PlayStation Vita, la peor idea que ha tenido SONY en esta decada.
La primera vez que oimos que el Ps vita hiba a tener APPS pensamos que PSN se hiba a convertir algo asi como un Android Market con una infinidad de aplicaciones para su nene recien nacido, pero.... oh gran desilucion, ya al comprarla y ver su repertorio vemos que tiene apenas lo basico para sobrevivir en este mundo tan nerd, por asi decirlo.
Contando solo con Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, youtube, skype, y foursquare la ps vita nos muestra el poco ingenio o la excesiva confianza de sus jefes de mercadotecnia  pensando que con que tuviera Fb y twitter seriamos felices, nah, un gran error, puesto que nuestra codicia por lo moderno no para y esas redes sociales no nos bastan para satisfacernos placenteramente, oh bueno, puede ser que si haya personas que disfruten solo con un app de Fb, pero, me imagino yo que almenos esperaria calidad, ya que el app de fb es muy mala, muy lenta, muy limitada en cuanto al aspecto tecnico, ya que nisiquiera etiquetar personas podemos, es que esperan que con subir fotos y que en la descripcion diga "Hace X minutos a traves de PlayStation Vita" ya la mamaron?
Pues como veran, no, y pues la verdad decepciona, decepciona ver en lo que se convirtio el fantastico NGP, en lo que yo, almenos, estaba ilucionado.

LOS JUEGOS (graficos y titulos)
Al principio, despues de sacar la consola de la caja por primera vez no puedes evitar exhalar un gran "wow" al ver la bella consola, pero, hasta ahi se queda, ya pasando la tediosa configuracion te encuentras con que decidieron reemplazar el hermoso XMB en vez de mejorarlo, y no solo eso, sus titulos son de lo mas mierda, la mayoria solo son spin offs de sus hermanos mayores (y si hablo de ti silent hill book of memories) o remakes de clasicos de ps2 como MGS3:Snake Eater (no digo que sea malo, es genial, de hecho soy super fan de la saga metal gear, pero, porfavor, si lo van a adaptar almenos subanle el aspecto grafico, aunque ocupe mas memoria, no le hace, aun asi, siempre terminamos estafados en la store)
Asi como tiene juegos o adaptaciones hechas al aventon tiene juegos buenisimos, como RESISTANCE BURNING SKIES, o Wipeout 2048 que se nota almenos una calidad superior a la demas mierda (sigo contra ti, book of memories) que almenos si no te hace sentir a la par de psp te hace sentir algo parecido....
En el aspecto grafico decepciona, ya que es como un PS2 con tintes un poco marcados de ps3, ya que al no tener una capacidad de memoria mayor a los 4 gb (segun me dijeron, la neta, no se si sea cierto, si no es asi corrijanme) no puede tener una calidad superior a los juegos pequeños de ps3.

En este punto pierde puntos al lado de su hermano mayor, el psp, ya que en este dispositivo lo que falla es la estabilidad tanto como en wifi como en el navegador (ya que cada 10segs crashea, encerio, es molesto)

Como en toda consola tiene que haber errores de diseño, pero, en esta ocasion se rayaron (es como si hi ieran el diseño mientras hablan por telefono) es malisimo, no, no lo digo por su aspecto, si no por los cuidados que uno debe tener, ya que al tener 2 pantallas tactiles y un sensor de movimiento con cualquier caida se chingo el asunto, es encerio, no es tan resistente como la psp....

JUEGOS 6 (al no tener tampoco los essentials del psp)
GAMEPLAY 7(te hace sentir como idiota en algunos juegos)
  total 7- es entretenida pero, no supera a su hermana la psp

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

Como destrozar una franquicia capitulo 1: welcome to silen hill

Que onda gente, como se la pasan?? espero que bien...
bueno ya sin mas rodeos quisiera hablarles sobre la mejor franquicia de terror en el ambito de videojuegos y como la han estado cagando a palos.....
Bueno, que tal si empezamos con el Silent Hill de PSone???

Juego: Silent Hill.
Año: 1999
Plataformas: PSone, PC, PSP y PlayStation 3.

Fue el primer juego de toda la saga y abrio el paso a los demas, dejandonos entrar en la historia de harry mason, un escritor que se va de viaje con su hija, pero algo sale mal y la termina perdiendo.....
Muchos aseguraran que es el mejor de toda la saga, que no tuvo casi ningun error, pero ya analizandolo bien contradice todo lo anterior dicho...

Bueno, como todos o la mayoria sabran, silent hill en su tiempo fue una muy mal disfrazada copia de resident evil, se notaba a leguas (tanto por el gameplay como por el diseño de algunos enemigos como los perros de pa primera parte del juego)
O por la historia, que a pesar de ser muy interesante le falto profundidad....
Osea, a lo que voy es que en MI opinion no es el mejor juego de toda la franquicia, pero si es muy bueno....

veredicto final: 8

año: 2001 o 2002
plataformas: Ps2,  XBOX 360, PS3, pc

En el tiempo que salio la mayoria (o no se si solo me paso a mi) pensabamos que hiba a ser una secuela directa a la primer entrega, dejandonos conocer una continuacion.... pero oh, sorpresa nos dieron una historia aparte..
James Sunderland, un cabroncin que recibe uja carta de su esposa ya muerta diciendole que vaya a buscarla a su "lugar especial" ( uta, aqui en mexico recibes una carta asi y a los diez minutos cualquier pendejo te secuestra)

En mi opinion y en la de muchos mas (no me dejaran mentir) este fue el mejor juego de la franquicia. todo en este juego era genial, la musica compuesta por el maestro Yamaoka es inolvidable y sus graficos que, a pesar de ser de esa consola y ese año se ven geniales......
Ya para terminar de criticar a esta entrega hablemos de la historia, al parecer en esta entrega se esforzaron y la profundizaron mucho, mucho mas.....

Veredicto final: 10

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

ESPACIO PARA ATEOS (mentalidad y todas esas madres)

¿Que onda gente como se la pasan? Espero que bien.....
Bueno, quisiera hablarles sobre el ateismo (no va a ser el puto sermon de siempre, sino que vamos a ver ideas y eso, asi que si eres religioso porfa no leas esto, te vas a sentir ofendido)

Se que todos los ateos sin escepcion pensamos que dios o toda religion avanzada ( y digo avanzada, por que las religiones o mitologias antiguas en cambio se nos hacen "culturales") es una mierda: y la neta es cierto, mueven a las masas, las hacen gastar dinero a lo pendejo o hacer sacrificios (que llaman "donaciones" verdad hijos de puta de pare de sufrir??).
Lo unico chido es que la religion es otro pinche pretexto para armas fiestononones que a la madre, geniales
(No se si lo hagan aqui en la ciudad, en mi pueblo asi la armabamos)

Nuestra pinche negacion a dios, ¿deberian respetarla otros?
Bueno, eh de aceptar que el titulo si esta bien mamon, pero la neta yo no veo nada de malo en que repetaran  nuestra ideologia los religiosos, por que la neta algunos si se pasan (una vez uno me dijo que era el puto anticristo, imaginense que mamada) ya que la mayoria de las veces no le hacemos daño a nadie (nisiquiera veo ofensivo el tiraje de viñetas de memes con jesucristo en facebook, y neta, si quieren joder con algo por que no empiezan por el bullying que le aplican al tal BEBEXITHO EMOXITHO??)
pero bueno......
Y ya, en el caso de que empecemos a pasarnos de verga con nuestras mamadas ya tendrian razon en decirnos madre y media, ¿o no?

El punto es que cualquier ideologia, ya seas un cristiano con arena en la vagina o un pinche ateo irrespetuoso debe ser respetada sin pendejos jodones que la caguen cada medio segundo....

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

SILENT HILL: mega reseña 1-3

¡¿Que onda gente?!
Como se la pasan?? bueno, en fin, hoy quisiera hacerles una mega reseña (total que en el fondo es puro puto sermon) de los Silent Hill (momento friki creado XD)
Bueno, quisiera ponerles abajo algo de musica (ps para que no se aburran mientras leen) de dos tipos, del juego o electronica (ps ya si no les gusta la quitan :)
Sin mas que decir quisiera empezar:
año de lanzamiento: 1999
consola: PSone (psx o como quieran decirle)
Genero: Survival Horror
Calificacion: 8/10
En esta (primera) entrega encarnas a Harold Mason
un escritor que por cumplirle el caprichito a su hija Cheryl de ir de vacaciones a un pueblo "turistico" llamado Silent Hill chocan y esta se pierde....
-no les contare mas de la historia para que ustedes la descubran y si ya lo hicieron se interesen de nuevo ;) )
Si no es muy comodo el control que te programan lo puedes modificar a tu gusto (gracias KONAMI :D)
Al correr se siente un poco robotico al tener que jugarlo con las teclas, pero bueno esto cambia (en mal) cuando pones el joystick o analog :/ , encerio
se siente peor, se te va para los lados "Harry"....
La ambientacion es excelente, te mantendra en un pinche suspenso la mayoria del juego
Bueno, aqui no puedo criticar ni madres, (en mi opinion) la banda sonora es perfecta, y por no decir muy original, no se esperaba menos del gran maestro Akira Yamaoka.
Bueno, los enemigos si les falto algo de originalidad, (y si, me refiero a esas mamadas voladoras que te persiguen al principio que parecen sacadas de jurassic park) un claro ejemplo son los perros, parecen sacados de RESIDENT EVIL ó las madres esas que saltan o corren, no recuerdo muy bien, pero neta carecen de originalidad (como esta pinche reseña)
ya los jefes van mejorando este defecto :)
lista de jefes:
LIZARD: Esta pinche lagartija cabeza de vagina es molesta hasta mas no poder, encerio, aunque es lenta quiensabe como logra chingarte
LARVA: Aqui tenemos al enemigo mas facil (y absurdo) del juego un PUTO CIENPIES!!! y como en la realidad lo mataras de una manera que neta, te va a dar risa
MOTH: (no se si han dado cuenta que el director del juego le tenia miedo a los insectos y reptiles como doña cuarentona) Eh aqui a..... una puta palomilla gigante!!! SUPER ORIGINAL!!! no encerio, nada que ver esa pendejada, pero.... si les va a costar matarla.
CYBYL BENETT: Esta es una version envenenada de cybil la "guapa" policia XD
neta, encerio se quemaron las neuronas para la historia y los enemigos
INCUBUS: El jefe final de todo el juego, este si es un verdadero jefe, encerio su diseño es impresionante y su manera de atacar muy rara, pero genial.
Año de lanzamiento: 2001
Consola: PlayStation 2 "PS2", PC, XBX360
Genero: Survival Horror
Calificacion: 9/10
James Sunderland un pobre vuido que aun dolido por la (obvia) partida de su esposa magicamente recibe una carta de ella incitandolo que vaya a el "lugar especial" de ellos dos, y como era de esperarse ahi va el pendejo, haciendo lo que dice la carta sin ningun sentido comun alguno.
Bueno, el control depende de donde lo estes jugando, por que en el play sigue siendo algo malo e incomodo, pero en la compu mejora un buen, nnta esta mejor con las teclas de la compu
Aqui tanto la ambientacion como la historia mejoraron gracias a los escritores y a que no tenian las barreras virtuales del PSone, neta se los recomiendo, la ayoria del juego estaran tensos o estresados....
La banda sonora mejoro mucho, ya podiendo poner musica real y no tanto hecha por el midi del PSone tuvieron mejores ideas.....
Aqui, a diferencia del primer silent hill los enemigos toman papel importante en la historia, desde el comun straight jacket o las enfermeras hasta el Red Pyramid Thing o Pyramid Head.
Tienen mejor diseño, mejores ataques y mejores efectos sonoros.
Eddie: Este gordo pendejo no te costara mucho matarlo, de hecho, hasta se siente como relleno (en la historia, aparte de como esta).
Pyramid Head: El enemigo mas memorable de todos los silent hill, esta encarnacion de las culpas de james te atormentara duurante todo el juego..... neta es todo un hijo de puta.
Abstract Daddy: Neta, nunca supe que era este enemigo, si un puto violador amarrado a una mesa o que, pero, a la hora de enfrentarlo eso vale madres, lo unico que quieres es matarlo y la neta, no te lo va a poner facil.
Maria: El enemigo mas escalofriante que eh visto, encerio, con esta "doña" si se rayaron, lo unico que quieres hacer es matarla (nisiquiera te dan ganas de apreciar el arte aplicado al enemigo).

Año de lanzamiento:  2003
Consola: PlayStation 2 "EL PLEY", pc, XBX 360
Genero: Survival Horror
Calificacion: 8/10 (en mi opinion)
Heather "Cheryl" Mason de 17 años de edad mas "madurita" es arrastrada a la extraña realidad de un mundo oscuro después de experimentar un evento aterrador en un centro comercial. Ella termina descubriendo que es parte del plan de la orden de Silent Hill y se encuentra a sí misma atrapada en un conflicto dentro de la ciudad
Ya para no hacerla de jamon son casi la misma madre que los del anterior silent hill, encerio, nada cambia....
Al contrario de lo que muchos diran, es la peor ambientacion de silent hill, no encuentras nada nuevo, encerio, al cambiar de estudio se vino abajo todo, pero no descarto que de miedo
Al contrario con la ambientacion la banda sonora mantiene un nivel muy alto, gracias nuevamente al compositor Yamaoka.

Enemigos y jefes:
Los enemigos tienen buen diseño, pero, nada espectacular, encerio, y bueno, ya los jefes son harina de otro costal:
LEONARD: Un pinche fanatico del culto transformado en un monstruo acuatico que, no quiere que seas "ateo"
CLAUDIA/DIOS: El enemigo final del juego, un poco lento, pero poderoso, neta cuidado con el/ella..
MISSIONARY: La pelea con este bastardo se vuelve personal al saber que el mato a unestro amado harry, lo unico que quieres hacer es meterle diez balas por el ojete :D
ALESSA: Talvez, pero, talvez la peor encarnacion que hayamos visto de Alessa Guilespille (se escribia asi?)
lo unico bueno de esta batalla es la musica de fondo jaja, un poco..... extravagante.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012


Que onda mis queridos lectores (si es que tengo alguno U_U) como veran decidí cambiar el estilo de la pagina; ya ven que tenía un estilo friki NOOB, bueno, quise darle una aca bien vergas ;)

Hoy quisiera traerles un top 10 de las mejores canciones dubstep, electro y todo lo relacionado
Bueno, sin mas que decir empezemos




Bueno, eso fue todo carnales, espero y lo disfruten

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

A.C.T.A: Ahora te Chingo si no Te Autorizo

hola queridos bloggeros, hace poco tiempo me vengo enterando de que piensan censurar internet, pero no censurar asi de....
sino que, piensan dejarnos una red "purificada" sin mucho de lo que conocemos...
este video explica lo que estan haciendo esos hijos de puta.

este "cambio" ya empezo, ya cerraron MEGAUPLOAD, por favor, este tpo de paginas no hace ningun daño....
un gran ejemplo de lo que no podremos hacer ni en FACEBOOK (les va a doler a los frikis) es que ya no podremos subir imagenes que contengan logos o personajes....

eso es una gran pendejada, por que nisiquiera estamos plagiando la idea, ni lucrando con ella, pero bueno..... cosas de retardados mentales.
gracias por su atencion...
PD: censurenme esta y chinguen a su madre

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

SILENT HILL (all) story

I'm not your Mary

Three years ago, James Sunderland’s wife became seriously ill and passed away. James tried to pull himself together and resume his life after the loss but struggled to get back on his feet. The emotional pain and emptiness left James in a constant state of mourning. Then one day, a cryptic letter arrives signed by Mary, the same name of his late wife. In the letter Mary writes “Silent Hill, our sanctuary of memories…I will be waiting for you there.”
James is confused and disturbed by the letter. He questions if Mary is somehow really alive or if someone is playing a hoax on him. “I still don’t believe it. The dead can’t send letters, yet I came here to see Mary…”
“Our sanctuary of memories – what does that mean? This place is too full of memories…”
Shrouded in mystery and driven by the desire to uncover the truth, James sets off into the world of Silent Hill…As the fog grows thicker, James realizes that the town is nearby.
“The only way to get to the centre of town is through this tunnel, but there must have been an accident or something because the entrance is blocked. But wait…the map shows a single path through the forest leads to the town. Looks like the only way to get to the town is to take this path on foot. I can’t see anyone in this thick fog, or should I say I don’t feel anyone. I see a run-down building nearby. There’s no-one inside. I am all alone in the mirrors reflection. I look at the man in the mirror and mutter a question…”
“Mary…could you really be in this town?”

Who’s Who



James Sunderland

Age: Unknown
Background: Protagonist
Information: Three years ago, his beloved wife, Mary, became seriously ill and passed away. James was wasting away in empty, lifeless days of mourning, when a strange letter arrived. The name of the sender was Mary Shepherd-Sunderland, his late wife. The cryptic letter beckoned him to meet her in Silent Hill, a town that once held a great meaning for the couple. Although he firmly believes his wife is not alive, James questions the origins of the letter and is determined to find the truth by returning to Silent Hill.

Mary Shepherd-Sunderland

Age: Unknown
Background: James’ late wife
Information: Dying tragically young, Mary left her husband grief-strickened and heartbroken. Her strong ties with the town of Silent Hill are shrouded in mystery, but with an affinity for the Lakeview Hotel – her and James’ “Special Place” – could it be that Mary has chosen Silent Hill has her final resting place.


Age: Unknown
Background: Unknown
Information: On the surface, Maria looks exactly like James’ late wife, however Maria’s hairstyle and taste in clothes are completely different. Her personality, cheerful and energetic, is also the exact opposite of Mary’s. When James first meets Maria, he is shocked by the resemblances, as if they had known each other for years. After learning of his purpose in Silent Hill, Maria is interested in his search for Mary and decides to accompany him.


Age: 8
Background: Unknown
Information: A stubborn, bratty, little girl who does whatever she wants and suddenly goes on her way. She crosses James’ path throughout his search and seems to know more about Mary than what she reveals. Coincidentally, she was a patient in the same hospital as Mary and they became very close. Mary loved her as her own daughter. Perhaps she holds the truth that James is seeking?

Angela Orosco

Age: Unknown
Background: Unknown
Information: James first meets her in a cemetery and from the beginning, there is something shadowy about her. Ever since childhood, she was convinced that she would never be happy. She ran away from home shortly after graduating from high school. but her father found her and dragged her back home. She ran away from home again, this time to Silent Hill, but now she is lost.

Eddie Dombrowski

Age: Unknown
Background: Unknown
Information: Eddie is a simple minded, clumsy and useless man who is deeply terrified of getting hurt. He has a gentle, quiet personality, but also possesses another side that he cannot control when angered. What is his purpose in Silent Hill?


What's What

Lying Creature

Lying Creature

Location: You'll come across them very often during your journey throughout Silent Hill.

Attack Method: Whilst in their upright position they are not an immediate threat, although if you let one get too close to you it will launch its deadly mist attack. When they are crawling, usually hiding under cars and vans, they can move extremely quickly. Again they do not pose much of a threat like this, but if you let them get too close they will inflict damage.

Weakness: Due to their sluggish walking speed and slow attacks they are open to any method of attack.

Best Tactics:Either use the handgun at a safe distance to bring them down or beat them with the plank or pipe from behind. Once on the ground James use his stomp attack to finish them off.



Location: You'll come across these frequently during your journey throughout Silent Hill.

Attack Method: The Mannequins have only one basic attack, where it lunges it's upper legs at you. Be careful though - they do attack more rapidly than the Lying Creatures. They also tend to leap - without warning - from rooftops and bushes, so be on your guard.

Weakness: Since their range is limited and they are not a quick moving foe, they are also open to many attacks.

Best Tactics: The best way to defeat them is to either use the handgun at a safe distance or beat them to the ground with the wooden plank/steel pipe, to be finished off with James' death stomp.

Bubble Head Nurse

Bubble Head Nurse

Location: Brookhaven Hospital, Alternate Brookhaven Hospital & Alternate Silent Hill.

Attack Method:The Bubble Head Nurse is rather quick on her feet, and her attack range is very long, not to mention lightning fast. They tend to travel in groups of two or three, which can pose as a threat in enclosed spaces.

Weakness: The nurses don't have any direct weaknesses, but they do have a slow turn around speed, so this is the ideal time to launch an attack.

Best Tactics: Always keep your back covered when confronting them. If you enter a room to find two or more, move James into a corner so that the only direction the attacks can come from is in front of you. The steel pipe is a good weapon to use against them due to it's extended range, but the handgun and shotgun are probably better as they can be used from a safe distance. Again, when you have brought them down, have James use his stomp to finish them.



Location: Silent Hill, Woodside Apartments, Blue Creek Apartments & Historical Society.

Attack Method: They do like to attack anyone within their vicinity, but upon doing so they pause for a couple of seconds. This is when your attack is best made.

Weakness: Shoot or stomp on 'em and they're dead. They're not particularly strong

Best Tactics: Try not to waste rounds of ammo. If you can just simply avoid these enemies as they will eventually retreat. But if you feel it necessary to defeat them, a few well aimed shots with your handgun should do the trick. Or, timed correctly, James can simply tread on them once to kill them.



Location: Alternate Silent Hill, Labyrith & Alternate Lakeview Hotel.

Attack Method: They attack from beneath grilles with deadly tongue like spikes that protrude from the ends of their arms.

Weakness: Because they are hanging from the grilles, they have nowhere to hide.

Best Tactics: The best tactic is to just not waste much needed ammo and simply run past them. They are very easily avoided so long as you dont stay stood above them for too long.

Abstract Daddy

Abstract Daddy

Location:Labyrith & Lakeview Hotel.

Attack Method: Abstract Daddy can move at good speed and if you do not plan your attack well they can easily overcome you very quickly. They lunge themselves toward you and attack by locking their jaws on your head.

Weakness: This foe also has no immediate weaknesses, but can be easily defeated if done correctly.

Best Tactics: The safest thing to do is to not use any melee weapons, but to use your shotgun. Keep at a safe distance and make sure you have room to manoeuvre backwards whilst James locks and loads the next shotgun cartridge. They will go down after a few shots.


… And how to kill ‘em


Red Pyramid Thing

Location: Stairwell after using the Apartment Stairway Key, 2nd Floor, Blue Creek Apartments.
Attack Method: Pyramid Head has two main attack methods, with his Great Knife and without. The weak side-to-side swings from the knife won’t cause too much damage, but beware of the overhead blow – it’s fatal and will finish you off in one shot. Keep your distance too – if you should wander too close to PH, he will use his free hand to strangle you. If that happens, hit X or L1/R1 as quick as you can to escape.
Weakness: He’s slow and reasonably easy to avoid.
Best Tactics: This first encounter should be over with relative ease, and hopefully without any damage, either. But the first thing you need to know is that this Enemy is impossible to kill. So just make sure to enter the room with a fully loaded handgun, and then fire off those shots as quickly as you can. It may be helpful to count the shots as you’re firing and reload using the Inventory Screen after ten rounds have been fired – this way you’re not left vulnerable when, after ten shots, James has to stop to reload.
Our best strategy is this: fire three or four rounds, stop, reload using the inventory screen, then run to the next corner and fire again, repeating this pattern.
Believe it or not, it doesn’t matter if your shots hit PH or not – as long as you fire off 10-50 shots (depending upon your Level), he’ll disappear after a set time has elapsed. But one final word of warning – when you hear the siren, stop firing and DO NOT follow him! Your enemy is retreating, and if you continue to fire at him or follow, he’ll think you’re up for another battle and attack you once more!
Flesh Lips

Flesh Lips

Location: Examination Room 2, 1st Floor, Brookhaven Hospital.
Attack Method: Ganging up against you, these monsters will follow set routes around the ceiling in order to grab James and choke him.
Weakness: Again, their slowness can be used to your advantage.
Best Tactics: Your shotgun is the recommended weapon for this. Keeping your distance, run into one corner of the room, turn, and pump two or three rounds into the nearest enemy before turning and running into the next corner. Again, we recommend that you count how many rounds you fire to avoid being caught out when James stops to reload.
When you’ve dispatched both Enemies, don’t be surprised when a third one drops from the ceiling. Finished it off in the same way.
If a monster should grab you, press X, R1/L1 as quickly as possible in order to be released. The longer they keep you in their grasp, the further James’ health deteriorates.
Red Pyramid Thing 2

Red Pyramid Thing 2

Location: Brookhaven Hospital Basement.
Attack Method: Using his spear, Pyramid Head wants you and your lady friend dead. And, unfortunately, if she dies, you die – and it only takes five stabs from PH to finish poor Maria off.
Weakness: None, but shooting at him will temporarily slow him down.
Best Tactics: This depends upon your supplies and what difficulty you’re playing on:
Beginner/Easy/Normal: If you’re playing on these levels, this shouldn’t be difficult. Just run run run. You’ll find that James will slam into walls, and while this does slow him down, it shouldn’t stop you from reaching the elevator doors in time. If it does and you’re not successful the first time, try and memorise the layout so that you can turn before you reach the corners and hit the walls.
Hard: It’s slightly trickier now. You’re probably going to have to memorise the layout in order to anticipate and make those corners without slowing down. However, if you’ve got plenty of Health Items and ammo, you could try and intercept the attacks on Maria by getting between her and PH and taking the hits yourself, all the while moving towards the exit. Although you’re not able to kill PH, firing at him should slow him down.
Abstract Daddy

Abstract Daddy

Location: End of Labyrinth Maze.
Attack Method: While the monster is slow, the attacks aren’t – get too close and it will pounce on James and, apparently, try to devour his head.
Weakness: It’s slow to move and quite predictable.
Best Tactics: Use your Shotgun here – while the Rifle may do more damage, it’s much slower to fire and only holds four rounds.
To free yourself from it’s grasp, once again hit X or R1/L1 repeatedly to get away. Copy the method you used the first time you met Pyramid Head by firing off a couple of shots and then running to the opposite corner and then firing again. Repeat this as many times as necessary and, with a bit of luck, you’ll escape this battle unharmed.
Eddie Dombrowski

Eddie Dombrowski

Location: You’ll meet Eddie after jumping down the graves in the Prison Catacombs.
Attack Method: Eddie’s sanity has departed and all he’s left with is a Magnum firearm – this is not a good combination. Use any firearm and he’ll have no hesitation in shooting you right back – which can be tricky to avoid in such a confined space.
Weakness: Get close to Eddie and it seems he’d rather pummel you with his fists than use that oh-so-powerful handgun. In this particular instance, it’s the lesser of two evils and will inflict less damage on James.
Best Tactics: Equip your Steel Pipe before entering the room. When the sequence finishes, press down and hold R2 and X simultaneously. Instead of shooting at you, Eddie will run forward to punch you instead – and being the big loony that he is, he’ll run straight into the overhead blow from the Pipe. 6-12 hits from the Pipe will see Eddie retreat – hopefully, without inflicting any damage or using any ammo at all.
Location 2: As soon as you exit the room above, you’ll move straight into Round Two with poor Eddie.
Attack Method: It’s that handgun again . . .
Weaknesses: He’s not overly quick, so you can sidestep shots using R1/L1 and taking cover behind the hanging animals.
Best tactics: It’s probably best to use your Rifle, for only a couple of shots should see him off. Use the cover that’s available and remember to reload after three shots so that you’re not caught out reloading.
It may help you know that, in some instances, changing the camera angle (L2) will help you keep an eye on Eddie even when you’re hiding behind the bodies.

Red Pyramid Thing 3

Location: Lobby, Alternate Lakeview Hotel.
Attack Method: Yep, he’s back – and this time he’s brought a friend. As if one of them isn’t bad enough, this time there are two of them after you. Armed with spears, they’ll stalk the room and try to trap you in a corner.
Weakness: They’re both slow, predictable and – providing you’re careful – not too hard to avoid.
Best Tactics: Arm your Rifle or the Great Knife for this battle – they’re the weapons to which the PHs are most susceptible, but once again don’t forget that these monstrosities cannot be killed. It’s also useful to know that there’s no need to balance your hits between the two of them – since they both seem to run off the same life-force, it doesn’t matter which one you hit or how often.
If you continuously move around the room in one direction, you’ll notice that they separate in order to try and trap you and block your way. Be smart and keep varying your direction in order to avoid entrapment. Also remember to load manually via the Inventory Screen, otherwise the PH’s will have James Sunderland shish-kebabed.
Using the tried and tested method you should know well by now, move around the room, pull off a couple of shots and then run to another corner again to repeat the process. Eventually, the PH’s will turn and walk away and the battle is over.

Maria / Mary Demon

Location: Unknown / Nowhere
Attack Method: Mary/Maria is not a happy bunny. Using a variety of methods, she will do all she can to stab and/or strangle James to death using her deadly tentacles.
Weakness: There’s a lot of space on that platform, so it’s easy to avoid her direct attacks.
Best Tactics: Although she’s particularly susceptible to close-range weapons like the Pipe and Great Knife (manage to hit her only a few times and she should succumb), it’s best to keep your distance as her stabbing and strangulation techniques are difficult to avoid. Fire once or twice using the Rifle, and then run away from the approaching cage into the next corner. Although the moths are irritating, they don’t inflict too much damage and are certainly less harmful than the tentacles dangling from the cage (and if you have the Hyper Spray, you can repel them entirely).
Follow this pattern and, depending upon your Difficulty Level, you should dispatch of her with 3-40 rifle shots. Once the cage falls to the floor, don’t be scared to approach her and finish her off with a carefully placed shot from the weapon of your choice.
If all that sounds like much too much hard work for you, you might like to know that you can defeat this creature without firing a single shot. Check out the Secrets Section for more information.

It All Comes Down to This

Silent Hill 2 Endings


With six different endings, Silent Hill 2 will have you coming back for more. There are four regular endings accompanied with two hidden ones. What you do and how you do it in the game will ultimately determine your final outcome. In order to achieve these diverse endings, simply follow each ending’s tips below (note that these tips will only influence a particular ending, not guarantee it!)
Thanks to those smarter than us for capturing and uploading their videos to Youtube!


How do I get it?: Follow these simple rules during your play through to get this ending:
  • While Maria is following you, make certain she receives as little damage as possible from enemies or your own attacks;
  • after Laura leaves Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama and Maria asks you to chase after her, immediately go in the right direction (towards the back of the bowling alley), and be sure Maria does not tell you where to go twice;
  • once in Brookhaven Hospital, spend as much time as possible with Maria investigating the building until you have no other choice but to take her into Room S3 (to obtain the Roof Key;
  • on leaving Maria in the Hospital, Room S3, go back and check on her frequently;
  • when you leave Maria’s cell in the Labyrinth, attempt to re-enter the room;
  • finally, in the final long hallway inside Lakeview Hotel before the final fight, exit the corridor before the audio memory of Mary is finished.


How do I get it?: Follow these simple rules during your play through to get this ending:
  • Keep your health at its prime. Always try to recover your health as soon as it drops, no matter how little the damage is. In relation, avoid getting hit in combat.
  • In Rosewater Park, after meeting Maria for the first time, head towards Lakeview Hotel in the direction Maria pointed at. Avoid heading back east and making Maria remind you where the Hotel lies.
  • In the final long hallway inside Lakeview Hotel, before the final fight, listen to the audio memory of Mary until it is fully finished, and then exit.
  • Avoid doing anything that helps promote the “Maria” Ending.


How do I get it?: Careful observations and examinations towards particular items help to promote this ending. Follow the tips below to persuade the following ending:
  • From meeting Angela in the Apartments and obtaining her knife, examine the knife in your inventory screen.
    Fully read the diary on the Hospital’s Rooftop.
  • Inside the Reading Room of “Alternate” Lakeview Hotel, listen to the audio recording on the desk.
  • In the final long hallway inside Lakeview Hotel, before the final fight, listen to the audio memory of Mary until it is fully finished, and then exit.
  • Regardless of your health, avoid healing right away, especially when your health is in critical status. Try to voyage through the game with bad health until it is inevitable you must heal.


How do I get it?: This ending can only be obtained after you’ve completed the game at least once. After completion of the game, reload your Clear Save Data and start a new one. While playing, you will need to find four items. Once you’ve obtained these items, simply beat the game like normal and you will witness the “Rebirth” Ending. The items are located as followed:
  • White Chrism: Blue Creek Apartments, Room 105, 1st Floor;
  • Lost Memories: Inside a newspaper stand besides Texxon Gas Station on Nathan Ave;
  • Obsidian Goblet: Place on a smashed display case in the Historical Society’s Gallery Room;
  • Crimson Ceremonies: On the bookshelf in the Reading Room of Lakeview Hotel, 2nd Floor.


How do I get it on the XBox/GH version?: This bonus ending is only available in the Greatest Hits version and the Xbox version. This bonus ending can only be obtained after you’ve completed the game at least once. After completion of the game, reload your Clear Save Data and start a new one. Inside the restroom where you start, there will be a “Blue Gem” near the stalls on the floor. Acquire the gem and use it in the following locations throughout the game:
  • At “Alternate” Brookhaven Hospital’s Garden upon defeating the Flesh Lips;
  • On the dock in front of the rowboat after exiting the Meat Locker;
  • In Lakeview Hotel, Room 302, 3rd Floor, before viewing the videotape.


What happens?: You kind of have to watch it!
How do I get it?: This bonus ending can only be obtained by receiving the three basic endings or the “Rebirth” Ending. After leaving Rosewater Park for the first time, head south towards Jack’s Inn and find a small lot right beside the Inn. If the ending conditions are met, there will be a doghouse in the middle of the lot. Investigate the doghouse and you will obtain the “Dog Key” from inside.
Continue playing the game until you get to Lakeview Hotel and view the videotape in Room 302. After you finish watching the tape, leave the room and head towards the end of the hallway. Use the “Dog Key” at the Observation Room door and you’ll go straight to this, um, intriguing ending!